In the world of Akrasin, Clans are full player established and controlled communities, which act both as society centers and shelters from dangers of the hostile environment. In these communities players can build bonds between each other, look for party members in case of a more challenging quest or agitated players thirsting for battle, have access to a broader spectrum of items and most importantly – find an agenda. Nowadays in role-playing games people are often missing the vital part of an original idea. To become someone else and to belong somewhere else. In the Clans players can find just that – a feeling of home, surrounded by mysterious world, it’s artifacts, lore and, most importantly, friends.
Clan Mechanics
Any player can start his own personal Clan, which will radiate the ideology player believes in. Whether it is advanced gathering of the lore fragments throughout the world in Campaign, finding of the most profitable characters in Mystery Hunt or preparing for Tournament of Souls in Spectral Arena.
Players belonging in the same Clan all share genuine Clan tags can do any of these actions at their will:
Find other players of similar mindset and create the most balanced and diverse team of characters, which can withstand attack of most perilous specialized creatures;
Participate in different game mods and venture through the world of Akrasin together in parties up to 10 players;
Share a common inventory and contribute to it in order to increase their standing in the Clan AND at the same time the highly competitive Level of the Clan;
Challenge another Clan into a War! Wars play a vital part in Clan Progression. Acting as special events, Wars happen over specifically designed areas, which can hold up to 50 players at once!
Clan Progression
Each member in a Clan has their own Rank, which is directly tied to Clan Level. Based on their results in game mods, activity in the game and contribution to a common inventory of a Clan, members can increase their Rank.
Clan Level is the sum of all member Ranks and so it is directly tied to each member. Working beneficially for the Clan increases player’s rewards, hence each player is promoted for his time and spent and dedication towards the Clan! However, players have to watch out, as losing in Wars, failing in quests and leaving members can lower the total Clan Level. In contrary, players can receive an increase in their Clan Level when winning a War.
Besides all advantages of belonging in a Clan, each member also receives multiple awards as he or she increases Clan Level. The maximum level of the Clan is 20. Each Clan Level rewards players with unlockable at start Treasure Tombs, which content quality depends upon player’s Rank.
Treasure Tombs hold three different items, where one of them is always of higher quality than the rest. The more secrets of Hiren Clan recovers, the higher the rewards!
Moreover, every 5 Clan Levels player receive Kin items, which do not take place in equippable slots and acts as decorative items, presenting unique Clan visuals (ranging from suggested illustrations to player imported ones!). In addition, some Kin items can grant unique bonuses. Kin items players can get from their Clan are described below:
Clan Level 5: members receive Bondship Glove, which visually represents their Clan;
Clan Level 10: members receive Tribal Tattoo, which visually represents their Clan, player himself and provides 15% discount to all items available to buy for the Clan;
Clan Level 15: members receive Team Spirit, which appears as flying entity when Clan members gather in parties higher than 6. Team Spirit increase the rate of gained experience by 10% when leveling up together;
Clan Level 20: members receive Spectral Image, which can be used to challenge another Clan into Tournament of Souls. Members of the victorious Clan will receive 20% more rewards than the usual!
In addition, Clans can increase their population when paying with Clan Level and hold a higher number of players, resulting in carrying out all mentioned Clan Mechanics at much faster rate!
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