Akrasin has always been a world of spirits and magic, but long ago, ancient civilizations had mastered a rare type of magic in which they could control the movement of spirits - Hiren. Practitioners of Hiren had the ability to open and close the gate to the plane in which spirits inhabited, controlling the flow of life from their world to the next.
Deemed as a form of magic too powerful for the living to control, Hiren was erased from history and buried deep in the libraries of the ancient civilizations as war tore them apart. In the modern day, inhabitants of Akrasin honor spirits not only as a reminder of those who once walked the realms of the living, but because their residual energy is what provides the world with its source of magic.
As the spirits pass through the gate separating the realm of the living and realm of the dead, they only take a portion of their magical prowess with them, leaving the remainder of their energy behind for the living to utilize. Once through the gate, they cannot pass back through. Yet, they still walk the same grounds as the living, only separated by a thin veil of reality.
Quietly, whispers of Hiren are starting to creep back into the fringes of society. Could it be on the verge of rediscovery?
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